This biennial general assembly invites dignitaries and the general public from around the territory to engage in meaningful conversations about Cree education over the course of three days. Planning for the event begins about eight months prior and involves a team of about eight people who come to a consensus on the theme, location, organization, meals, and banquet logistics as well as entertainment and evening activities. Communications plays a key role both leading up to and during the event, which is live-streamed to the general public in both Cree and English through simultaneous translation.
As Interim Director of Education during this period, I was heavily involved in the planning and execution of all communications activities around the event: the logo, poster, social media, radio and television coverage, print ads, communication with speakers, preparation of the agenda and bios, and orchestration of the live coverage of the event. Following the event, the communications office is also responsible to prepare the final report for the public.